CHF Recovery: Day 15

Woke up twice in the night, once around 3:30 and once around 6, due to various body pains that need not be discussed (not heart-related). Then I snoozed until 8 and lounged around in bed a bit before getting up.

  • Got up, had protein shake, took morning meds
  • Dawdled online until it was too late to have a walk before therapy
  • Showered and dressed; my nice jeans fit again!
  • Went to therapy and had a very nice session
  • Came home and messed around online some more
  • Had a lunch of yogurt and trail mix
  • Walked a 5k! (I could have done a shorter loop but I felt like going farther, and the trail is flat so it wasn’t difficult)
  • Showered again; I was sooooo sweaty
  • Ate the leftover peas, about 1 cup

Sean came home while I was eating the peas and said, “Wanna do sushi?” Of course I did. “When?” I asked. “Now?” But alas, it was a little after 4pm, and they don’t open until 5:30. So I called and made a reservation for then, and finished my peas.

  • Started editing the story I wrote yesterday
  • Went to dinner and had sashimi

At Sushi Huku the sashimi platter is a combo that comes with miso soup and salad; I couldn’t eat either of these because the soup and salad dressing both had a ton of sodium. Sean ate the miso and I took a couple bites of lettuce. The sashimi was fantastic, though.

A beautifully styled platter of sashimi, featuring a large shrimp head

At the end of the meal they gave us little bowls of flan, and I did eat that! It was a nice palette cleanser, and if MyFitnessPal is right, there wasn’t an exorbitant amount of sodium in it.

  • Came home and ate a brownie while continuing to edit my story
  • Put my story into Google Docs and invited a couple people to comment
  • Went to bed at around 12:30am