Yesterday, I went biking with Brooke and Mari. Then I sat down and wrote a whole bunch. Then, I met up with Brooke and Mari and Brooke’s friend Nathan for dinner at Fazoli’s, and finally, Brooke, Nathan and I went to the Columbia County Fall Fair. (I was thinking we were going to the Georgia-Carolina Fair, but you know, I have no idea when or where that is.)
The fair was great. I hadn’t been to a fair in years. When I was a kid, Mom used to always take me and the boys to the Bluegrass Fair out at Masterson Station Park, which apparently doesn’t have a website.
We’d drive into Lexington, park in this huge field, and trek over to the fair, where we’d spend hours exploring, playing games, riding rides, and eating FUNNEL CAKE. Last night was like reliving that experience.
Despite our diets, Brooke and I even indulged in that sinful confection (and we forced Nathan to eat some, too). I have a picture of Brooke and Nathan with the funnel cake, but I’m not allowed to reveal it in public. (Something about a “chess cake dance” has apparently soured Brooke’s opinion on pictures…I wouldn’t know anything about that, though…) Here, however, is a picture of me sitting on a bench, right after eating FUNNEL CAKE:
You can just pretend this is proof that I ate it.
Brooke and I rode the Sizzler, the Tilt-a-Whirl, and the Himalaya. The Tilt-a-Whirl was, by far, the best. I was so dizzy (and crushed) during the Sizzler that I shouted to Brooke, “I’m not as young as I used to be!” The Tilt-a-Whirl, though, was a lot of fun centripetal force without a lot of whipping my brain around. I don’t know, it was just better. The Himalaya was okay, though kind of boring after the Tilt-a-Whirl. I’d forgotten how hard you have to hold on to keep from crushing the person next to you, too.
I was going to play some games, like darts or pool or throwing a ball at stuff, but they were all so expensive :/ Things like that are more fun when you’re not the one paying for them, I think ;)
But I did get to ride on the merry-go-round, right as the fair was closing at midnight. Brooke tried to get a shot of me riding, but they all turned out horribly, and therefore they will not be posted.
Here’s something fun, though (click for large size goodness!):
So, it was a good day. Since I did Denny’s for lunch, Fazoli’s for dinner, and then had funnel cake, I ended up gaining a pound back–the 40 minutes of biking and the few hours of strolling around the fair apparently weren’t enough to counteract those foods’ combined evil influence. Still, I’m not unhappy. I think my weight loss is going pretty well, all told, and I had a lot of fun. Hopefully today we’ll go riding again, and I’ll eat more responsibly :)