Matchy matchy

Today, Marie Mockett writes about why “getting dressed is hard“.

Apparently, to worry too much about “matching”, as in “matching in an obvious way” is considered very suburban and therefore not New York. Not at all.


The trick in fashion, apparently, is to buy things that go well together, but don’t obviously go well together. This is how you have style, how people look twice at your clothes and admire your ability to put an outfit together. It is what stylists do for starlets, what magazine editors seek out in the never ending quest to identify trend-setters. It is what makes someone’s personal style interesting. I guess that, in the language of a writer, avoiding matchy matchy is the same as an ability to write without cliches.

And to think, I just try not to clash. Remind me not to move to NYC.

(I might have to avoid Japan, too, since young women there are so fashionable :/)