I’ll give it to you in Cory Doctorow’s conspiracy-theory martyr writing style:
Surfcontrol.com is a censorware site that blocks parts of the Internet that it considers to be offensive, of an adult nature, or “inappropriate” for some reason or another. They have currently listed this site as an “adult website.” I just got off the phone with a manager at SurfControl, who assures me that they’ve corrected the error, but that it will take 24h for the fix to take hold. During that period, users of Surfcontrol’s paying customers will be walled off from Boing Boing the same way that Chinese and Iranian citizens are prevented from seeing parts of the Internet due to the judgements of unaccountable authorities in those countries.
OH NOES! Somebody at Surfcontrol.com must have seen all those Xeni posts! Quick, let’s pretend she doesn’t post illicit, NSFW images all the freaking time. Yes, BoingBoing is as pure as the driven snow! I can’t believe they got censored! Oh the humanity!