Just…wow. Look at this thing!

The Tesla Purple Energy Shield outer shell is made of aluminium, which is first anodised (electrolytic oxidation) and then colored. The spin of the atoms and electrons of the aluminium is thus changed in such a way, that The Tesla Purple Energy Shield is said to vibrate in resonance with the fundamental energy (Chi, Prana, Orgon) of the universe. The Tesla Purple Energy Shield coating was developed by Ralph Bergstresser after a patent and from the knowledge / information and ideas of Nikola Tesla, with whom he worked in the 1940s. With anodising, the field of the plating is changed and interacts with tachyons. The surface of the plating has a unique crystal-structure.
The chemical composition of the outer purple shell is the same as that of rubies and sapphires, which also consist of aluminium oxide. We know that rubies give energy and thus were called “life-stones” in the Middle-Ages.
The Tesla Purple Energy Shield incorporates several future technologies as a basis for its creation and capsular design. The Tesla Purple Energy Shield is a functional scientific creation based on the principles of sacred geometry , zero-point energy, orgonomy, superconductivity, and harmonic frequencies of light.
The properties of The Tesla Purple Energy Shield are such that a “positive” light field is produced uniformly in all directions from the centre of the capsule. This light field is actually visible in a dimly lit room and is immediately recognisable to psychics or clairvoyants.
The device incorporates a special Ethero-Magnetic caduceus orgone generating coil which utilises the magickal and sacred ‘lost cubit’ measurement, a meaurement so profound that its precise value can not be found in ancient or modern literature. Only select few individuals and scientists are aware of its actual value.
This has to be the most awesome thing I have ever read. And it’s only $89.95 during this special introductory period!
I wonder if No-Dogs “vibrate in resonance with the fundamental energy (Chi, Prana, Orgon) of the universe”. They are anodized aluminum, after all…