April 18, 1990 – Wednesday (11 years old)

Today in Music we had a test. I got 100. In English we did our contracts. In Science we played review basketball. In Academic + we had Sex Ed. In Reading we made up stories about Tuck Everlasting. In Social Studies we got a new assignment to do a presentation on countries. Noelle and I are partners and we got Bangladesh. It is really neat. I want to invite her over this weekend to work on it. In Math we did some # line problems. At home I played my lesson. I did a little on Bangladesh and watched TV and played Nintendo. Kitty came over. We went to Wal-Mart. Turtles the arcade wasn’t working. Back at home we had porkchops, spinach and mashed potatoes for dinner. That was before Wal-Mart. When we got back we had dessert. Us kids started to draw posters. AJ = Marios Me = DuckTales Ben = Popeye. Ben kept messing up. We read the Secret Garden.