My job is so fulfilling.
Today we all got free pizza for our hard work covering the Linda Schrenko trial. Later, I was told that the E-Alert I sent out concerning Schrenko’s plea bargain had made it out five minutes before the Chronicle sent theirs.
Do I rock, or do I rock?
It is so much fun working in the news.
And I love my position, because I have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men–err, you know, I run the website. I get to use what my boss calls my “expertise”. I’m not autonomous–I have to run changes past her–but typically my ideas are very well-received, and I’m free to implement them.
Our Schrenko reporter has showered me with praise lately, too.
I hardly notice when I work through lunch or stay late, because I’m good at what I do and I enjoy doing it.
It’s great. :)