What is she wearing?
A polo shirt would have been far more suitable for field anchoring Gustav coverage. Heck, almost anything would have been more suitable…

The guys
My heart has almost completely recovered
I have been working very hard at leading a healthier life these past couple of months. I detailed the steps I’ve been taking here. I’ve gotten to the point where exercise in the morning is part of my routine. I bring my lunch to work a lot more, and when I do go out I make healthy choices. On days that I bring my lunch, I try to go for a walk, and I recently went to the Y during lunch when it was raining. I’ve also started going on 45-minute bike rides after work.
It’s paid off in many ways. My measurements are shrinking, I’ve lost 30 pounds, and I feel wonderful. Today, I reaped yet another reward.
Last October, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. After six months, heart medicine had helped my heart function improve from 15 to 20% up to 35%…but I was still too far from normal, 55%, for my doctor’s liking. She strongly suggested I get an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
At that point, I wrote, “I think that if I had worked harder to improve my diet and exercise, it would be better than it is…and I think if I work on those areas now, I can help it improve even more.” And I decided to work on my diet and exercise to see if I was right.
It turns out, I was.
Today I had my echocardiogram, three months after the ICD was suggested and ten months after my diagnosis.
My ejection fraction is now 45 – 50%, just 5% away from normal.
Great weather!
Measuring progress
As I’ve been working towards my weight loss and health goals, I’ve been tracking my weight quite a bit. I take my weight every day and put it in a little calendar. On Mondays, I put that weight into Weight Watchers Online, too. The Wii Fit takes my weight and calculates my BMI daily. And on Fridays, we have a weigh-in at work for the weight loss competition Amanda and I organized. But I haven’t really done much else in terms of tracking my fitness, other than noticing I can do more things now than before.
So today I took my measurements. I had taken them when I first started on TurboJam…unfortunately, I’m not sure when that was. I also took them on June 29, almost two months ago. Here’s how I stack up:
Undated | June 29 | August 20 | Difference | |
chest | 48.5" | 48.5" | 47.5" | -1" |
right bicep | 17.5" | 15" | 14" | -3.5" |
left bicep | 18" | 16" | 15" | -3" |
waist | 48" | 47" | 45.5" | -2.5" |
hips | 56" | 55.5" | 53.5" | -2.5" |
right thigh | 30" | 29.75" | 28.5" | -1.5" |
left thigh | 30.5" | 30" | 28.5" | -2" |
right calf | – | 17 7/8" | 17" | -7/8" |
left calf | – | 17 7/8" | 17" | -7/8" |
neck | – | 16.25" | 15.5" | -0.75" |
I’d say those are some pretty impressive changes! I’m looking forward to watching more inches “melt away”, as the cliche goes.