Today’s workout

Normally I put my workouts on Twitter, but this one was kind of long so I figured I’d do it here.

  • 10 mins treadmill on interval mode, at 3.6mph
  • 2 sets of one minute bicep curls with 8lb weights
  • 2 sets of one minute tricep kickbacks with 8lb weights
  • 2 sets of one minute dumbbell rows with 5lb weights
  • 2 sets of one minute lateral raises with 5lb weights
  • 10 mins stationary bike on interval mode
  • 1 set of one minute bicep curls with 8lb weights
  • 1 set of one minute tricep kickbacks with 8lb weights
  • 1 set of one minute dumbbell rows with 5lb weights
  • 1 set of one minute lateral raises with 5lb weights
  • 3 sets leg presses with 130lb weight
  • 3 sets back extensions on machine (not sure what weight)
  • 10 mins AMT on interval mode (9 and 5)
  • 3 sets lat pulldowns on machine (not sure what weight)
  • 30 seconds of attempting to push up into tent position with legs on an exercise ball and hands on the floor
  • 3 sets of lying on my back tossing and catching a medicine ball
  • 60/50/50 crunches
  • 60/50/50 obliques
  • 25/25/25 back raises on floor
  • 25/25/25 knee pushups
  • 10 mins walk/jog on treadmill

I felt really good during this workout. In fact, I hit some crazy high while on the AMT and later on the treadmill. The first time I was so ecstatic I wanted to scream as loudly as I could, to let the universe know how awesome I was. The second time I not only wanted to scream, but I also had goosebumps!

After I finished running through that ridiculous routine, I showered off and got in the outdoor pool for a few minutes. They cleared the pool not long after I got in, so I got in the hot tub for a bit…and then I finally came home :)

This is the first time I’ve gone to the gym on Saturday. It was a great experience overall. There were times that I got kind of bored, but that euphoric feeling, and the wonderful feeling of accomplishment, make it worth it.


  1. I used to get the best "runner's high" when I was speed walking on a daily basis! LOVED that feeling. Sounds like a great workout, I think I'm gonna have to steal your format, and start using it when I go to the gym, too. :)

  2. Bear in mind that all of this took awhile! Normally I just do the stuff I post to Twitter, which takes about an hour and a half. I wasn't paying attention to the time today so I'm not actually sure how long I was at the gym.

  3. I certainly won't mind spending an hour or more in the gym. :)

    Besides, the only other thing I MUST do is sit out on deckzilla. ;)

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