Here’s where I am

Sorry I haven’t written up my blog redesign process yet. I have been extremely busy at work and that has drained me for the rest of the time. All my projects are suffering because of it. But I’m not discouraged, really; I know that after this craziness is over I’ll have more time and brainpower. Of course, I’m going to England in under two weeks, so it may be awhile before I’m back to a decent routine.

One thing that has been bothering me is the fact that the design of my blog right now is not the design I wanted. It’s more like a design I conceived and never finished in 2004. When I put this thing together, the look was secondary to getting the structure workable. Now that I have the blog set up with an external stylesheet, I will hopefully be more easily able to change the look.

A redesign of this blog will need to take a backseat to other things, though: my website project with Mike, my webcomic project with Sam, the redesign of and new shopping cart implementation for my parents’ business website, etc.

I’m also rereading (or rather, reading, since I never actually finished it) Getting Things Done. Hopefully I will learn some techniques to better organize my time and keep from stressing out over everything I want to do!

Kinja 2

Getting takeout.

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Finished with The Great Santini

I’m still digesting it. I read a lot of it all at once the other night to get to the end. My marathon reading session coincided with a lot of seemingly random violence in the book. It’s going to take me some time to process.

My next read is The Book of Night Women by Marlon James (suggested by Marie). I started it last night.

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What a great view

Charles and Heidi have a gorgeous backyard!

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Not pictured: the roti canai I already devoured

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I had a dream last night that my boss and our two main anchors got swine flu. I was the one who noticed and I told them to go home. They refused, even to the point of working really late and then all sleeping in the same bed together.

Because I stayed around them trying to convince them to take care of themselves and stop risking others’ health, I ended up getting sick–though I’m not sure it was swine flu, because my face was covered in boils.

I also dreamed last night that Tom Welling guest-starred as Superman in a musical episode of a sitcom. When he started to sing, Neil Patrick Harris’ voice came out.

I always have the best dreams when I’m off the CPAP. Or at least, I remember them…

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