I feel good

This whole walking thing is really what the doctor ordered. Each day I feel like I can do more.

Yesterday I felt great. My morning walk seemed to take less effort, even though it was hotter. At lunchtime I got antsy and went ahead and walked back to my car, then realized I had a good 40 minutes left…so I drove down to the North Augusta Boat Dock and Fishing Piers to look around.

I was ecstatic as I wandered around the piers snapping photos. It felt like it had been such a long time since I’d really gone on a photo jaunt. Feeling healthy and energetic made me want to do all the things I enjoy and haven’t done lately.

I was having such a good time, in fact, that I recorded–and later uploaded!–a video of myself.

Last night I had to run an errand, so I couldn’t go biking–and it actually started to rain on and off after work anyway. But I still managed to cook dinner, which I ate while watching some Detective Conan. I went to bed on time at 10:30 and woke up this morning naturally at 7 (though my not being able to breathe due to congestion might not be the most “natural” way to awaken).

So far this is going really well. I plan to keep my good habits going into the weekend, though I haven’t decided how yet. Biking, probably. Once I’ve adjusted to doing this I hope to add other things to my schedule that I’ve been meaning to get to, like a couple of web design projects and my Cowboy Bebop game for the AMRN.

It feels so good to be active again, even if it’s only a 15-minute walk here and there. I’ll work up to more in time :)

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Trying a couple new things

I parked at a shopping center and walked from there to work this morning. It was a little warm to be doing that, plus it was all uphill, but I feel great.

The walk only took about 15 minutes, rather than the 30 I was expecting, but that’s fine, since I was huffing and puffing by the end. I’ll work my way up to 30.

I’ll either walk to my car and bring it back up here at lunchtime, or wait until after work to do so, since it’s usually daylight when I get off now.

Hopefully doing this will keep me getting at least a little exercise every day. Actually having a destination for a walk makes it much easier to commit to, so I’m thinking I should be able to keep this up.

I also packed my Fujiyama leftovers from last night into a new bento box I bought from Asian Art Mall, then wrapped the box up in a kitchen towel my mom gave me. It kind of looks authentic! Maybe the unique presentation will inspire me to cook/assemble a lunch more often.

I’ve been getting fond memories all morning of sitting at the low table with my Yatsushiro host family, eating breakfast–rice, eggs, vegetables, and various small items–and watching my host sister pack things from the table into her bento.

I’ll add pictures of the bento to this post when I get home from work.

Update: Here they are. Out of focus, boo!

I don’t even really know what lacrosse is

I had another weird dream last night.

This time, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue had passed away unexpectedly, and this was bad for Augusta because he supported the local lacrosse team, which practiced in an historic building downtown that was so old it had to be protected by an outer building whose upper half was glass. Let me tell you, that was one cool-looking building–old-style green domes inside a dome made of triangles of glass held together by a metal frame.

(Apparently lacrosse was played on a racquetball court, in my dream.)

I started across a suspension bridge behind some guy I was working the story with. The bridge looked like the Augusta Canal in that there was grass and water on one side. “It’s bad for Augusta that we lose the support for lacrosse, but what really gets me is Sonny being gone,” I started to say…but the guy abruptly started sprinting across the bridge. I started sprinting too, and held a good pace for awhile, but then I couldn’t keep up no matter how hard I tried.

Ahead of me, the guy raised an American flag and kept pounding away at the same speed.

It was around this point I woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. It was 4 am.

(I think I’ve figured out the nausea. Allergies! Mucus! TMI!)

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Ugh (TMI)

Is nausea, to the point of having bile come up into the back of your mouth, a symptom of being out of shape?

I’ve had nausea at various times of day, often in the morning, intermittently for awhile now.

Sometimes it happens after I’ve eaten something, but it’s not the kind of nausea you get when you’ve overeaten. And usually I haven’t overeaten. I haven’t overeaten in quite some time.

Sometimes it happens hours after I’ve had anything to eat, and it’s kind of like the nausea you feel when you’re hungry, but more pronounced.

Lately it’s gotten to where no food sounds appetizing, and I both really want to eat and really don’t want to eat.

Like a fool, I took a pregnancy test, and it was of course negative. I think the chances of a person whose eggs have been fried by chemotherapy all of a sudden getting pregnant are about zero. But I don’t think my heart will give up on the idea until I’m maybe 45. ;P

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Day 10

Yes, ten.

Kill me now.

It let off enough yesterday morning and early afternoon that I thought it was over, and then all of a sudden…whoosh.

Yeah, thanks.

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Today, March 25, 2007, is my ninth BMT birthday.

On this day in 1998, I lay in a hospital bed wearing a new pinkish purple Easter dress as my brother’s bone marrow dripped from an IV into the groshong catheter implanted in my chest.

It was actually kind of anticlimactic, after the six months of chemotherapy and surgery and pain and vomiting and frustration at not being allowed to go outside. I laid around in bed for two hours and that was it.

They call it a birthday because you’re replacing your bone marrow–essentially starting your body over, being “reborn”. I had to have all my baby vaccinations again, and it’s possible that other things changed. But the procedure was overwhelmingly successful. My body didn’t reject the bone marrow, and my immune system had built itself up again in 21 days. I went home and never again set foot in Markey Cancer Center’s bone marrow inpatient area.

It’s possible that my leukemia was gone before the bone marrow transplant took place. I suspect that the second round of chemotherapy got it, since my tests after that were clean. But we did another round and then did a BMT just to be sure. My particular cancer was rare and my treatment was experimental.

I’d say my doctors made pretty good choices, overall.

It has been a strange nine years, readjusting to normalcy. Some days I forget I ever had cancer. Some days I’m thrilled to be here to experience the world.

Some days I’m still a little angry that the treatments that saved my life took away the one dream I’ve held constant since childhood.

A large struggle since leaving the hospital has been against the desire to foster my own victim status. Being a victim is very empowering. People have to listen to you. You feel a sense of entitlement. Back in the beginning, I’d manipulate conversations so that I could casually remark about how I’d been in the hospital. I’d downplay it, of course–even then I realized that my experience was far easier than that of many, perhaps most, cancer patients. But usually there was no need to mention it at all. Somehow, I’d always find a reason to.

This was of course a part of my healing process. I’m not saying I should have somehow bounced back immediately. I did need to talk about it. My point is simply that there comes a point when you’re saying the same things over and over and not getting anywhere. I’ve seen that happen plenty of times in my life, but I absolutely refuse to allow it to mire me in victimhood.

No matter how good it feels to be a victim, it ultimately keeps you unhappy. You need the euphoria you feel when someone takes an interest in you, and as time passes and the immediacy of whatever made you think like a victim fades, so does other people’s interest. You sense that, and it makes you feel worthless. And you have a few choices. You can continue to desperately milk the original situation; you can come up with a new situation to victimize yourself; or you can get the hell over it and find a proactive way to get noticed.

It’s possible that without Sean’s influence on me early in my recovery, I would have wallowed in my victim status for years. I will always be thankful that he came into my life when he did.

I now have one thing that still makes me feel like a victim. It was especially bad towards the beginning of my marriage to Sean. That is, of course, infertility–the damage done to my ovaries by chemotherapy. I have for the most part come to terms with the possibility that I may never give birth to my own child. But it does still hurt me when people ask if I’m planning on kids, or when I don’t have a period or when my period is strange and I decide to take a pregnancy test. I’m obviously not completely over it.

But I won’t be a victim of this, either. I am the one who decides how my life is going to be, and I have decided that I am going to do the best I can to learn and grow and experience the world and people around me. If children someday factor into that, adopted or otherwise, then great…but I’ve decided that my life paradigm needs to shift. So I probably won’t be a stay-at-home mom who gardens and cooks healthy dinners every night and takes the kids out on fun trips…so what? I can choose to do any number of things that make me happy. Just because one door closes doesn’t mean there aren’t others to choose from.

I can also make the conscious choice every day to think about all the good that has come into my life.

So it’s my bone marrow birthday. The anniversary of my rebirth. A day I will always remember, and a day on which I typically find myself looking back and evaluating and ultimately looking forward.

I hope I’ve grown.

I don’t want to go so far as to say that someday I will stop observing this day, but I am committed at least to not letting this day, and the history behind it, define me.

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T to the M to the I

You know those T-shirts that say “I don’t trust anything that bleeds for three days and doesn’t die”?

I hate those.

Not because the joke isn’t funny. It’s funny, all right. No, the reason I’m pissed is because my normal periods have always been far longer than three days.

Man. Three days. That would be fabulous.

So apparently this is a real, full-blown period, achieved without the influence of hormone supplements. I’ve had cramps all morning and I still feel bloated. The blood (ewwww, I know, but I told you this was TMI) is bright red, and this is not a trickle.

There was a time when I thought I would love to have a regular period again naturally. I thought that the knowledge that I was “normal” again would supercede the discomfort.

Obviously I was delusional.

I was thinking this morning “At least I’m not all hormonal and emotional like I used to get on my period,” but apparently thinking that was all it took ;> So now little things are starting to irritate me. Here’s hoping the Midol will help.

Ah, the chalky taste of Midol. It’s been years.

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Blarg (TMI)

It’s one of those days. Not quite awake. Didn’t sleep enough. Lots to do.

I’m also on a period that has lasted since Saturday, and seems to be getting stronger. I’m not sure when the last one was (may have been January), but I’m still not on hormones. I want to think of this as a good sign, but I also don’t want to get my hopes up about anything. It would probably be too much to hope for to even get back to having normally functioning ovaries, let alone a reproductive system that can foster viable eggs.

So I’ve got cramps, I’m probably bloated (though honestly, how would I be able to tell these days?), and I’m tired. Hell of a way to run a railroad :>

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I feel like I have severe bags under my eyes.

Earlier one of the sales guys came in to talk to me, and he stopped abruptly and said, “Are you okay?”

I’m functional. I just feel really tired.

Just now on our show we had a national story about a study that showed people who have irregular sleeping habits tend to eat more; their metabolisms are disrupted. I don’t think my sleeping habits are irregular, though…I think I’ve just been sleeping too much lately. I’ll wake up, and instead of getting up I’ll go back to sleep, and when my alarm goes off I won’t feel at all like getting up. Maybe I’d feel better if I just got up when I woke up the first time.

Then again, it’s not like I’ve felt alert when waking up that first time.

Maybe it’s what I’ve been eating (lots of fast food). Or maybe it’s that Big Decision I still have to make–it’s looming ever nearer. Maybe it’s a combination.

Whatever it is, all I know is I’ve been feeling like crap for most of the day, for most of the week :>

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What is UP?!

Thought I’d drop a quick line and tell you what’s going on with me.

1) Brooke’s wedding was beautiful, and this past weekend I saw her off at the airport. She’s coming back next month though, so it’s kind of like she’s just on vacation…especially since her apartment still looks like she lives there ;)

2) Sean got a new job. He started yesterday. So far it looks pretty good. He works my same hours, 10 to 7. This morning I got up and made us both a lunch :) Assuming things work out, we will be buying my new Yaris around the middle of March.

3) My mom’s older sister is going through a difficult time with some medical issues, so my mom is flying driving up there to take care of things. I’m just hoping everything will work out. I wish my aunt would move to Kentucky and live near my mom.

4) Water is dripping from the apartment above directly into Sean’s shower. I guess it’s good that it’s not seeping into our floor! The maintenance guy showed up this morning at 8 o’clock. I was still in bed.

5) I have a BIG DECISION that I have been weighing for weeks now. I think I’ve almost made it, but I’m still waiting on some information before I commit. Certain things that are happening in the meantime are making the new venture more and more appealing…

6) I love art blogs. One relatively minor goal in my life is to make enough money so that I can buy a few pieces from my favorite art bloggers.

7) Lately I have really been wanting to buy a Japanese-style hot water heater, some green tea (the actual tea, not a tea bag), and a teapot. The water heater would be the most expensive, but I’ve wanted to have one ever since I first went to Japan. It’s just that in the past few weeks, I’ve really wanted to have the option to brew a pot of green tea at work without having to microwave the water.

8) I’m getting over my cold.

So much for the fever

I needn’t have worried; the fever broke overnight, and my temperature upon awakening this morning was a cool 96.3. I’ve got the occasional cough, but nothing so serious that I can’t work.

I’m now drinking orange juice. And it’s good!

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I’m actually sick!

I even have a fever. It’s mild–100.9–but still.

I’ve taken some Advil, and I’m going to bed. If I’m still feverish in the morning, I guess I’ll call in ;P Hate to do that though, I get so behind…

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I am eating an absolutely delicious peach right now

I’m trying to get more fruits in my diet (though I don’t seem to be reducing the chocolate just yet). Yesterday I walked both during lunch (with Wes at the Greeneway, Martintown Road entrance) and after work (with Brooke at the Greeneway, The River Golf Club entrance). And today I went over to the Y during lunch and did some kung fu aerobics (I made that up) and walked on the treadmill some.

When I look in the mirror at my profile, my stomach looks huge. It’d be nice if there was a baby in there, but since that’s impossible, it just means that I have become very, very fat. It’s irritating that it looks so much like a pregnant belly, though. My body has a sick sense of humor.

In any case, this peach is divine.

It’s a nice day.

Today I have eaten:

  1. 1 Slim-Fast (Strawberry)
  2. 1 tuna fish sandwich (homemade)
  3. 1 fat-free blackberry yogurt (Dannon)
  4. ~15 baby carrots

And while my readers are pondering whether or not they’ve accidentally opened an archived post from 2003…

I got a lot of sleep last night. I left work early and went to bed right when I got home. I woke up at around 11, and got up for a couple of hours, but then I went right back to sleep, and awoke naturally at 7:30.

I wasn’t sure how I was feeling when I got up, but I got some work done that I would have done yesterday had I been at work, then I packed lunches for me and Sean, then I showered, and then I headed off to work.

The morning passed fairly uneventfully, with me catching up on yesterday’s work, and then at around noon I ate my lunch, which was delicious. I can’t even really begin to describe how good it was to eat a tuna fish sandwich again. I think all the fast food lately has really been messing with my system.

After lunch and the midday news, I took my official lunchbreak, heading out for a nice walk around the area. I strolled down the road I can never remember the name of, then cut across to Georgia Avenue and walked back to the left, then ran across the street at Communigraphics and took that side road back into the neighborhoods. From there I took a winding path through unknown territory until I got to Martintown Road, from which point I circled back to Observatory and headed straight back to the station.

When I arrived I still had plenty of time, so I took the opportunity to finally climb the tree in the park. It took me awhile to find a good spot to begin the climb, but I finally managed to haul myself up to a branch at about my eye level. Maybe someday I’ll be able to climb higher, but that was enough for me for today.

The day is beautiful. It’s hot in the sun, but cool in the shade. It feels comfortable.

I feel pretty good after that walk, and I’m glad I was finally able to climb into the tree. Now that I’m sitting at my desk, I feel like a small headache is coming on, and I also feel a little tired, but I think I’m much better off now than I was yesterday.