The Book Quiz

Okay, this is frightening.

You’re Les Miserables!
by Victor Hugo
One of the best known people in your community, you have become something of a phenomenon. People have sung about you, danced in your honor, created all manner of art in your name. And yet your story is one of failure and despair, with a few brief exceptions. A hopeless romantic, you’ll never stop hoping that more good will come from your failings than is ever possible. Beware detectives and prison guards bearing vendettas.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

Via Brooke.

How about this copy?

Was a group of Muslim women clutching briefcases and text messaging during films were spotted making a terrorist attack “dry run” in a theater?

-the RSS summary for this Snopes article


The 65-pound dog survived a six story leap from a Tampa airport parking garage and lived.

-the first paragraph of this AP article


(It happens to all of us…especially during breaking news!)

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Obama manjuu

Barack Obama has been endorsed by the city of Obama, Japan.

Members of a local tourism association and other people formed a volunteer group Monday supporting Obama and put up campaign posters at a local hotel.

“We’d like him to win the election and visit our city as president,” said 55-year-old Kiyoji Fujihara, a group representative.


According to the city government, the move arose out of an e-mail sent to city hall by a local resident in late 2006.

The message said Obama had joked “I’m from Obama” on TV when visiting Japan and that the city should consider giving him an award for the comment that became good publicity for the city.

It is not known if he actually did make such a comment, but the city last year sent Obama a letter and lacquered chopsticks, a local specialty, city officials said.

Most exciting to me, though, was this bit:

The group is also considering selling Japanese-style “manju” sweets with Obama’s portrait on them.

Mmm, Obama manjuu.

Via Japundit.

Update: It occurs to me that a person who uses name similarity in this way would be what Edogawa Conan would call an お芽出度い奴.

Okay, rich boy

From Scuttlebiz:

With the exception of one international trip, every flight I have ever booked while living in Augusta has originated from Augusta’s airport. The fares on each of those flights from Augusta Regional have always been “reasonable,” which I define as being within $100 or $150 of Atlanta or Columbia.

Yeah, well, some of us can’t find $100 or $150 in our couch cushions. Yeesh.

(Then again, if it gets to the point that it costs $150 to drive to Atlanta…:P)

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Canal photos

I finally got my pictures from the Augusta Canal uploaded, tagged, and captioned.

This is the end of a section of stair rail. Weird, but it kind of fits with the outdoor, roughing it theme of the area.

A new trail…at least to me. So of course I had to explore it!

The end of the new trail (it was pretty short, but I loved the view).

Gazing at the bridge and headgates from behind, I noticed a crazy photographer standing on the thin concrete wall that separates man from the Savannah.

This is the closest shot I got of him.

Here’s another wall-percher. For some reason she reminds me of Tamara. I think it’s the hair, though it could also be the attitude. “I’m so cool, I think nothing of sitting barefoot on stone in 60 degree weather, reading a book!”

Ah yes, one of my all-time favorite subjects. Damn, I thought I had it so the reflection at the top was out of the frame.

Sean has a weird name for these, which I can’t remember, and I can’t remember the proper name for them either ;P

Well, poo.

One of many “ooh aren’t silhouetted bare branches cool?” shots.

I started finding the power pole and line aesthetic pleasing when I went to Japan for the first time. This example is right up there.

Can you see why I love this place?

I just like the shapes in this shot, the curves and lines.

And here’s another favorite subject. Too bad it stinks…

One for the road.

As you can tell from the order of the pictures, I went down a bunch of stairs (going down isn’t a strain, it’s just going up that’s bad) and then walked across the headgates bridge. I headed up to the quarry, where I turned around, but I took the new bridge near the new fishing dock rather than going all the way back to the headgates. This gave me the opportunity to see the waterfall (and some litter), and then I decided to go through the woods to the parking lot instead of up the long gravel driveway. I think the forest trail was less of a strain than the road would have been.

I walked for about a mile, but for the first half of that I was stopping for photos a lot so I’m not sure how much I can count ;> By the end, though, I had worked up a sweat and was pretty winded. It felt great.

I need to make a photo walk a part of my weekend routine–something that happens every Saturday.

Many many many many many more photos, of varying quality, here.

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Friday night

Evidence I can be in a photo and not look totally horrible:

Guess I should wear purple more often.

That picture was taken outside Logan’s last night. It was pretty damn cold. But we had to wait a long time to get a table…Friday night, you know. Shalah, Samantha and I arrived late, so Elgin, Gene, and Mason were waiting even longer than we did. An odd thing happened, too; they were sitting at a table when we got there, but as soon as we sat down the server told us the manager said we had to leave. Apparently the server had seated the guys without regard for the waiting list, and now the table was needed for a party of 30.

So we trooped outside and sat on a freezing cold picnic table for what seemed like forever, within clear sight of the table we had just vacated, until finally we were seated on the exact opposite end of the restaurant, surrounded by tables full of raucous teenagers.

My food was good, and I was pretty much happy to be inside and chatting and eating, but Elgin swore off Logan’s forever, and Shalah didn’t seem particularly pleased either. Both of them had steak and they both said it was terrible. I had mesquite grilled salmon and mashed potatoes, and I enjoyed them just fine.

I’m beginning to think the bar is lower for me than it is for other people when it comes to restaurants. There’s a guy at work who used to go to Boll Weevil all the time, but he stopped going after one bad experience with a hostess who ignored him. Me, I continued going even after the bread stopped tasting so good and it became a gamble to have the sweet tea. (My patience seems to have paid off; the bread and tea have both been great again the last few times I’ve been.)

After we were finished eating, the others convinced me to go with them to Doubletree hotel, which is right around the corner. So we went over there and hung out in the bar for awhile. It’s a really snazzy place, quite upscale. Gene had a Jack and diet, Shalah had a pina colada, and Mason had some beer I’ve never heard of. Samantha took a sip of everyone’s drink but didn’t order anything. I don’t drink, of course, and Elgin couldn’t because he was on call. There was boxing on the TV next to our tables, and other patrons drifted in and out as we sat and talked.

Kelsey appeared at one point, and then she, Samantha, and Mason headed off to Red Lion to see a friend of a friend of a friend’s band. The rest of us decided that area was a little sketchy and went home instead.

All in all, it was a good time. I’m glad I went!

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Good one, Bill

From the New York Times Politics Blog:

Before Mr. Obama’s win on Saturday night, Mr. Clinton was at a polling place in Columbia, S.C., and was asked by a reporter, “What does it say about Barack Obama that it takes two of you to beat him?” referring to Mr. Clinton’s full-time campaigning for his wife.

Mr. Clinton laughed and replied, “That’s bait too.” (He had just responded to a question about Senator John Kerry by saying he would not take the bait.) He then added: “Jesse Jackson won in South Carolina twice, in ’84 and ’88, and he ran a good campaign. And Senator Obama is running a good campaign.”

There is video of Mr. Clinton’s response to that one question but not of the entire exchange with reporters. But Mike Memoli, a campaign reporter for MSNBC and the National Journal, wrote the most complete account of the exchange, and it contains no other reference to Mr. Jackson. Mr. Memoli said in an e-mail that no one had mentioned Mr. Jackson until that point.

So essentially Clinton said “Look, this other black guy didn’t become the nominee, so it probably won’t happen this time either. Put your support behind a white person instead!”

I mean, how else are you supposed to interpret that? Jackson wasn’t mentioned until this point; the only reason I can think of to bring him up is because he was also a black candidate. Even if Bill wasn’t intending to imply that Obama won’t win because he’s black, he’s still being condescending: “You’re doing a good job! Just like that other black guy!”

Sheesh. Can we just get past the race thing, please, and evaluate candidates based on the issues?

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Let it shine

One of my coworkers, a guy I love dearly, recently received an award from the local branch of a regional religious group. During his acceptance speech he was talking about how he hopes to continue doing good work for the community, and he abruptly broke into song: “This Little Light”. He only sang a few bars before the whole room joined in, singing and clapping, and when the verse was over everyone cheered.

I just wanted to mention that–it was neat. I can’t imagine I would ever think of singing during a speech. (I’m not sure the people I would likely be giving a speech to would ever join in, either.)

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Look at my new table OMG

I went shopping for clothes today. So obviously I came home with a table and a fake orchid ;>

It all started at Cato, where I actually did get some clothes. But when I went to Target on the recommendation of Lisa at work, I remembered why I never buy clothes at Target: the women’s section and the maternity section are essentially the same, and I don’t want to buy maternity clothes by mistake :P

But I did enjoy wheeling my cart through the furniture section, and it was there that I found my beautiful table and orchid, along with some mirrors, a shiny red tray, and a little lamp.

Okay, so I’m compulsive. But I love the way that bit of wall looks with that little table on it. So…finished. :)

It’s a tragedy

Grieving Fan: Oh man! I remember exactly where I was the second I found out Heath Ledger died…

V: Fag.

I just want to know if they’re going to show The Dark Knight with Ledger, or recast him, or what. (I’m actually a little afraid to see that movie…looks like it’s going to be really dark)

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Mr. Razumihin

I received this awesome spam at work:

I love it. You know Mr. Razumihin. Of course you do. He’s not a bad fellow!

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Inexplicable plastic

When I arrived at work this morning I discovered an old-school farming/shepherding operation on my desk.

It’s actually not inexplicable; Mullis and Fichtel went to the dollar store last night. But it is certainly bizarre!

(I have to say, I’m rather fond of the pig.)

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Not quite la vida loca, but I still have fun

In one of those chain reaction tidying up events that occur with me every so often, I started sorting the mail, then cleaning things off the dining room table, and before I knew it I was collecting the Christmas decorations and carting them off to the second bedroom. I haven’t gotten them put away, of course; they’re sitting on the bed. And the Christmas village is still on the bar table. But this is a big start!

While I was at it I got all the dishes into the dishwasher and started it. I also got my CPAP, mask, and tubing washed, and now I’m waiting for them to dry.

Today’s been pretty good, all in all. Work went well–I got some ads done, including one with animation, which was fun. I had lunch at Wendy’s with Fichtel, and we didn’t sit around blankly the whole time ;> After work I went with him and Mullis to Chick-fil-A. The conversation turned to Adam, who left awhile back to be a chief meteorologist on the west coast, and so I gave him a call right then and there. Unfortunately he had to be in a newscast in five minutes, so the conversation was short. In fact, Fichtel’s side of the conversation with him went like this:

“Hello. Okay. Bye. Okay. Bye.”

Other than that, noteworthy features of our dinner conversation included the discussion of farts, burping, railing against faceless corporations and the fact that Chick-fil-A’s decor is like a motivational pamphlet, and Mullis’ fabulous impressions of coworkers.

After that, Mullis and Fichtel headed off to record some music (I’m not sure I can explain the intricacies of this hobby of theirs–I’m just glad I can remember the name “Smies Lieser”–so that’s good enough), and I headed home. Sean wanted Chinese food, so I was going to just pick some up at the drive-thru place near Food Lion, but Sean doesn’t like that place, so I went to our standard people over on Bobby Jones instead and went inside and waited. (However, I mistakenly ordered sesame chicken instead of almond chicken…:P)

I brought that home and commenced with the cleaning-up detailed above.

Since then I’ve just been watching Detective Conan, reading Mullis’ website, and trying to write this post. Sean just got home. I feel like maybe eating a bowl of cereal. I need to check and see if The Apparatus is dry. And after that…bed.

Tomorrow’s Friday! And after work a bunch of us are going to Chili’s. Rock on.

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Most of it fell while I was still working, and it had turned to rain by the time I took this picture, but it was still wonderful to see. I have really missed winter.

Unfortunately, there probably won’t be any pretty snow or ice to look at in the morning.

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